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Metatrader 4, sabido também como MT4, é uma plataforma negociando usada na maior parte para negociar CFDs CFDs inclui forex, partes, índices dos metais e muitos mais instrumentos negociando Uma plataforma negociando é Um aplicativo que você usa para executar suas transações comerciais ou seja, é onde você compra e vende A plataforma Metatrader 4 é a plataforma de negociação mais popular do mundo e é encontrado na maioria dos países É superior à maioria das outras plataformas por causa da usabilidade, escalabilidade e A capacidade de integrar facilmente com outros softwares. Aqui está uma lista de razões pelas quais Metatrader 4 é a plataforma mais popular. Capacidade de utilização Charting Capacidade Indicadores Código personalizado Baixo consumo de memória Mobile Friendly Automated Statements investidor Acesso Instâncias Múltiplas. 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Carting capacidade do Meta Comerciante 4.There não são muitos, se qualquer, plataforma que excedem as capacidades de gráficos da plataforma Metatrader 4 A plataforma vem com uma série de ferramentas pré-carregadas que forma a base da experiência de negociação As ferramentas de negociação encontradas no metatrader 4 incluem ferramentas de desenho gráfico , Diferentes aplicações de fibonacci, indicadores tradicionais e personalizados Os gráficos podem ser personalizados escolhendo as cores diferentes de cada elemento no gráfico Você tem 3 tipos de gráficos por padrão, gráfico de linha e gráfico de velas Você pode obter gráficos personalizados como renko Formam fornecedores de terceiros Existem horários definidos de 1 minuto a 1 mês, mas isso também pode ser modificado pelo uso de produtos de terceiros É realmente muito a mencionar em um artigo Solicitar uma lista de corretores de e-mail protegido para abrir uma conta demo e Ver por yourself. An indicador é uma representação visual de uma fórmula matemática Um indicador é exibido no próprio gráfico de negociação ou na parte inferior do gráfico Você começa Indicadores tradicionais e indicadores personalizados Indicadores tradicionais vêm pré-carregados na plataforma MT4 Estes incluem indicadores como MACD, Estocástico, RSI, Médias Móveis e muitos mais Os indicadores personalizados são Indicadores que foram criados por codificadores usando fórmulas únicas ou personalizadas Estes indicadores são muito úteis quando você está analisando gráficos e ciclos de mercado bons indicadores são muitas vezes utilizados de forma independente para tomar decisões comerciais e muitos comerciantes são totalmente dependentes dos indicadores para o seu sucesso Na SAFX Nós codificamos nossos próprios indicadores altamente eficazes. O Metatrader 4 vem com uma plataforma de codificação muito amigável que permite que as pessoas com conhecimento de codificação para construir diferentes tipos de software Isso torna a plataforma MT4 fácil de integrar com outros softwares Existem milhares de codificadores que se especializam em Codificação na linguagem de codificação MT4 chamada MQL Meta Quotes Language Y Ou pode codificar indicadores simples para robôs de negociação altamente complexos que tomam decisões para você e comércio em seu nome Se você pode pensar que você pode codificá-lo em MQL e que é uma das principais razões pelas quais metatrader4 é tão popular. Low PC Memory Usage. O Metatrader 4 como com suas configurações padrão e estado não tem um monte de memória do PC Download e instala rapidamente e também abre e é executado rapidamente uma vez instalado Como mencionado na seção anterior existem robôs complexos que podem ser construídos nesta plataforma e se Você executa esses códigos complexos que afeta a velocidade da plataforma metatrader 4 Na maior parte, ele é executado facilmente e smoothly. Metatrder 4 é móvel friendly. There MT4 apps para a maioria dos dispositivos móveis que permitem que você use as funcionalidades do núcleo da plataforma MT4 em Seu dispositivo móvel Isso torna mais fácil para o comércio durante a viagem ee também para verificar seus negócios em movimento Você pode usar indicadores padrão e outras ferramentas de negociação, mas infelizmente isso não permite personalizado em Dicators por agora. A plataforma MT4 envia-lhe declaração diária se houver atividade em sua conta e demonstrações mensais Você pode facilmente visualizar o seu histórico comercial e passar por seu comércio de comércio de desempenho por comércio As declarações também podem ser usados ​​como logs de comércio para ver onde você Estão a cometer erros e para avaliar se existem padrões que são benéficos ou dificultar o seu trading. Investor contas sobre o Meta Trader 4 plataforma permite que um investidor para entrar na plataforma de negociação em uma espécie de modo de exibição só O investidor pode olhar para todos Negociações e ordens e progresso em sua conta, mas eles não podem abrir ou fechar comércios ou ordens que torna grande para a transparência sem risco. Você pode ter muitas instâncias diferentes abertas no mesmo dispositivo e através de diferentes dispositivos de negociação Isso permite que você comércio estratégias diferentes e Contas do mesmo dispositivo Você pode ter uma conta de moeda, uma conta de índices e conta de ações e trocá-los todos ao mesmo tempo. O Metatrader 4 é um grande p Latform Faça o download de uma versão demo hoje e passar pelas funções para si mesmo. Free cursos muitas vezes don t têm a mesma qualidade paga pelos cursos como é o caso com a maioria dos produtos Na negociação forex você vai encontrar muitas vezes que cursos gratuitos são aguadas versões de profissionais Cursos Há um stand out curso de forex livre em um site chamado Babypips Babypips tem um excelente curso livre de negociação forex que você pode acessar através deste link. 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It é realmente importante para obter profissionais 1-on-1 lições antes de começar a negociação ao vivo como forex é muito parecido com jogar um esporte Você pode ler-se sobre as regras e estratégias, mas precisa de um Treinador para mostrar-lhe como executar o que você aprendeu de forma prática Você pode ter um olhar para as nossas opções de curso completo Trading leva um pouco de tempo para aprender, mas a parte mais importante é a prática que tem um monte de auto-disciplina. São algumas etapas que você precisa para começar com forex trading. Find um bom corretor forex que é local. Open uma conta demo trading. Familiarise-se com o corretor s trading platform. Get educação para compreender o conceito de negociação forex. Começar um treinador de negociação profissional Com software de negociação profissional. Práctica até rentável. Se você seguir estas etapas e combiná-lo com um treinador de forex adequado você estará negociando rentável em nenhum momento O truque como mencionado anteriormente é obter educação com 1-on-1 coaching adequado com Out 1-on-1 coaching você não será bem sucedido eu posso garantir it. As com todos os produtos que você começa alguns que são bons, alguns que são ruins, alguns que são médias e muito poucos que são grandes Com forex trading isso poderia ter um Enorme rolamento financeiro Se você quiser fazer um curso de negociação forex em Joanesburgo não se contentar com medíocre, fazer o curso que vai pagar por si ao longo do tempo xeroF não é difícil de aprender como o futebol não é difícil de aprender, os passos e regras São fáceis, mas você precisa de um bom treinador para torná-lo bem sucedido. O que você deve olhar quando se considera um forex trading course. Is a pessoa que compilou o curso de um comerciante bem sucedido. A empresa que fornece o curso tem um histórico certificado de desempenho. Você realmente começa o treinamento 1-em-1 ou você apenas começ emailed as ligações aos videos. Faz o código da companhia seu próprio software proprietário. Você começ os webinars e as sessões negociando vivas. Faz a companhia testimonials da oferta para provar a eficácia do produto. A empresa tem sido no negócio por mais de 5 anos. Se a resposta a qualquer uma destas perguntas não foi então orientar claro Número 2 na lista é provavelmente o mais importante Você só deve tomar lições de troca de moeda de um profissional bem sucedido comerciante O único Maneira de realmente ter a certeza é solicitar os resultados de negociação auditada por pelo menos 12 months. At SAFX podemos muito confiantemente responder sim a todas as perguntas acima Não só somos o melhor provedor de curso no mercado, mas também oferecemos nossos cursos em muito razoável Taxas Se você está procurando o melhor curso de negociação de forex em Joanesburgo você veio ao lugar certo Aqui é o que nós cobrimos em nosso curso de negociação forex. Módulo 1 Uma visão geral do forex trading market. Module 2 Forex trading na África do Sul com ênfase Em Joanesburgo. Módulo 3 Selecionando o broker de troca de forex correto. Módulo 4 Abrindo e examinando contas ao vivo e demo. Módulo 5 Selecionando seus instrumentos. Módulo 6 Abrindo seu primeiro trade. Module 7 Definindo um stopl Oss e ter lucro. Módulo 8 SAFX Trading System Software. Module 9 Colocando tudo together. Module 10 Seu primeiro comércio ao vivo. Uma vez que você tenha concluído estes módulos de treinamento você terá acesso à nossa sala de negociação on-line ao vivo onde você pode assistir-nos fazer comércios E ver todos os comércios que temos aberto Temos também seminários semanais para percorrer as nossas estratégias de negociação e algumas avançadas forex trading curso material. Well que é uma pergunta muito difícil de responder, mas vou tentar dar-lhe alguma idéia do que esperar Como Mais e mais torná-lo ricos esquemas rápidos atingiu o mercado a percepção de trocas de ações se torna distorcido Embora a maioria das pessoas sabe que esses produtos para ser golpes que ainda se lembram os números que foram dadas e de alguma forma armazenar esta informação como fato A dificuldade entra quando você tenta Provar que as ações de negociação não é tão rentável como algumas pessoas pensam que é porque há muitos exemplos de empresas que cresceram 10.000 e quando isso acontece há uma prova de que você pode beco Me um milionário overnight quando trading. The realidade no entanto é que a chance você vai escolher corretamente uma dessas ações ou obter o timing certo é altamente improvável Será que este som familiar Deve Em um casino muitas pessoas se tornam milionários, a maioria don t Então você realmente Não deve basear sua crença em uma bolsa de valores sobre o melhor cenário possível, nem você deve baseá-lo no pior cenário possível, embora você deve estar ciente do que o pior cenário possível é. Então, o que é um retorno médio da bolsa de valores e como Pode ser determinado O melhor indicador a olhar é índices dentro da bolsa de valores Na África do Sul o melhor índice a olhar será o Índice JSE Top 40 Isso mostra o desempenho das 40 empresas listadas no JSE Muitos gestores de activos e fundos Os gerentes usam o JSE top 40 como seu principal instrumento de investimento Isso inclui os principais bancos na África do Sul. O crescimento do top 40 nos últimos cinco anos é mostrado na tabela abaixo. Como você pode ver, Há bastante uma mudança no ano e, embora todos os resultados são positivos, eles ainda flutuam muito substancialmente Então, se você gostaria de trabalhar para fora o que um investimento composto teria feito ao longo dos últimos cinco anos, basta fazer o seguinte. Depósito inicial x X x X x X Valor Total do Investimento. O Lucro Valor Total do Investimento Depósito Inicial. Usando um depósito inicial de R $ 20.000 00 teria totalizado um lucro de X nos últimos cinco anos. É muito importante notar que isso é o que Teria acontecido se você tivesse investido há 5 anos Não há garantia de que essa tendência vai continuar, pois não há garantia de que o Top 40 vai continuar crescendo Podemos olhar para o desempenho passado como um indicador, mas é um guia grosseiro para o que é possível E de nenhuma maneira uma ferramenta de previsão exata. Como com todo o investimento há sempre o risco envolvido e é sua responsabilidade compreender inteiramente os riscos e também estar ciente do scenario o mais mau do caso deve tudo ir de encontro a você É Sábio para começar a negociar partes com o dinheiro que você pode ter recursos para perder, protegendo-se yourself da ruína financeira se houver um ruído elétrico da companhia. Na conclusão, se você investiu nas 40 companhias superiores de JSE sobre os últimos 5 anos você faria X sobre Seu investimento teve você não vendeu nenhuma de suas partes sobre os últimos 5 anos Que você pode esperar ir para a frente Eu não sou bravo bastante para fazer exame de um palpite mas é sempre uma idéia boa olhar os índices antes que você olha uns estoques individuais porque seu risco É espalhada sobre um portfolio. This grande é uma pergunta que eu recebo mais vezes do que deveria ea resposta, se você quiser um sim não resposta não é não é uma farsa A realidade é, porém, que há um monte de golpes associados e Conectado a forex trading Por que é forex trading como um alvo para scams É basicamente por causa de s acessibilidade Qualquer pessoa com um computador, internet e uma conta de negociação pode ter acesso ao mercado de forex Muitas pessoas usam impressionante olhando gráficos e números para atrair As pessoas em dar afastado seu dinheiro arduamente ganho para obter um pedaço do mercado Se for é tão sinônimo de golpes é uma idéia sábia para o comércio Bem, felizmente, existem maneiras de evitar ser enganado no forex trading. Never pagar o seu dinheiro em um indivíduo Se você quiser começar a operar você vai abrir sua própria conta com uma corretora forex Você vai pagar dinheiro nesta conta SOMENTE Você é a única pessoa que deve ser permitido o acesso a esta conta Certifique-se que a corretora forex você usar é FSB regulamentado. 2 Não compre o software sem um registro de trilha certificado. Se o software negociando trabalha verdadeiramente você poderá começ um certificado certificado do fornecedor do software Certifique-se que o registro de trilha é certificado por uma companhia de auditoria grande como KPMG de Price Waterhouse Coopers ou Algo semelhante Se o fornecedor de software não pode fornecer esta estadia away.3 Se parece bom para ser verdade, é DEFINITIVAMENTE is. If alguém encontrou o segredo para a negociação que pode meek você um bilionário por que o Y compartilhá-lo com você Eles são um bilionário Negociação pode ser muito rentável, mas se fosse tão fácil de se tornar um milionário por que alguém ainda está trabalhando para um salário Não acredito que as pessoas quando eles prometem as estrelas ea lua Forex trading deve ser visto Como um negócio Sim, você pode se tornar um sucesso, mas você não vai se tornar um milionário durante a noite.4 Certifique-se de que seu provedor tem uma licença FSB. Although este não é um requisito para fornecedores de software ou educação, você pode ter certeza se você usar FSB regulamentado Entidades que você será coberto até certo ponto É importante para o provedor de ter alguma afiliação a um órgão regulador ou regulamentado Se eles não significa que eles poderiam ser qualquer pessoa da rua.5 Certifique-se de que eles têm um escritório físico e visitar Se você can. This é uma das melhores maneiras de detectar um scam Se a empresa que vende um produto não tem um escritório que significa que eles não foram no mercado por muito tempo Se você pode ir para o seu escritório fazê-lo como ele Vai te dizer muito Sobre o tamanho da empresa, bem como o valor do produto. Se você usar esses 5 passos simples, você será capaz de separar os golpes dos bons produtos Sempre fazer um pouco de pesquisa antes de saltar em algo Assim, em conclusão, não forex Não é uma farsa, é no entanto a sua responsabilidade para evitar golpes associados com forex trading. Starting em um campo que você tem muito conhecimento de pode ser muito assustador, especialmente se isso significa que você pode perder quantidades consideráveis ​​de dinheiro Claro que você também pode fazer um Quantidade considerável de dinheiro, mas você precisa saber como Trading Forex na África do Sul é único como existem diferentes leis que temos de respeitar que o resto do mundo xeroF ou troca de moeda tem seus benefícios, bem como alguns contras que deve ser Considerado antes de aprofundar em Vamos ter um olhar para isso na forma de lists. You pode perder o seu investimento total. Há muito a aprender antes de você pode começar a negociação on-line. Você precisa de uma conexão à Internet. O mercado forex é muito volati Le. There são muitos scams que cercam o forex market. You têm que encontrar um corretor bom regulado. Você pode perder seu investimento total ao negociar forex. Como a maneira a mais popular ao comércio forex é negociar contratos de CFDs para a diferença envolve usar a alavanca a Trade Leverage permite que você troque consideravelmente mais quantidades do que seu depósito inicial e embora isto possa soar grande e pode ser usado a sua vantagem ele igualmente aumenta extremamente seu risco Usando a alavanca incorretamente poderia fazer-lhe perder seu investimento inteiro em uma matéria de segundos. É muito para aprender antes de começar a negociar. Embora a maioria dos provedores afirmam que você pode aprender a negociar moedas dentro de um período muito curto de tempo, você pode realmente só começar a negociar corretamente após a aprendizagem e aquisição de uma grande variedade de habilidades Aprendendo não só Inclui literatura, mas também, e provavelmente mais importante, um monte de tempo de prática A maioria das pessoas não estão cientes de que eles têm que praticar, pelo menos, 3 meses Antes de começar a operar ao vivo. Você precisa de uma conexão à Internet para negociação on-line. Como o nome sugere é uma atividade on-line Você precisa de uma boa conexão à Internet para ser capaz de comércio eficazmente como isso afeta a sua velocidade de transação deslizamento Se você estiver offline você não pode abrir Ou fechar comércios e, portanto, se você tem uma conexão ruim isso poderia realmente influenciar negativamente o seu mercado forex trading. The é volátil. O mercado forex não é realmente volátil quando negociado em 1 1, mas como quase todos os comércios forex em uma alavancagem de maior do que 1 50 ele muda o mercado para o mercado negociável mais volátil Moedas flutuam principalmente por causa de notícias e eventos econômicos que têm influência sobre o país ou países para os quais a moeda está conectada Como há tanta notícia e atividade econômica o mercado de câmbio é um todo Em mudança animal com ebbs e fluxos que são tão imprevisíveis quanto o mar. Há um monte de golpes no mercado de forex. Negociação de moeda ou forex é extremamente acess Sible como você só precisa de uma conexão à Internet e um pequeno investimento para começar a negociar Isto fez com que o mercado forex um alvo para golpes e artistas scam Para um comerciante experiente é muito fácil de pegar quais produtos são scams e que não são, mas como em A maioria dos casos na vida, se soa bom para ser verdade, é mais provável é. Você tem que encontrar um bom corretor forex que é regulada na África do Sul. Provavelmente, o primeiro passo mais importante para a negociação é encontrar um bom corretor que é regulamentado no Sul África Uma vez mais, como na seção anterior, é fácil de fazer se você sabe o que procurar, mas se você é novo no mercado, pode ser difícil decidir qual corretor para escolher SAFX irá ajudá-lo com uma lista dos melhores forex brokers in South Africa. Let us now look at the Pros list for online trading. You can trade a large amount with a small investment. It is very easy to start. There is great software available. It is the biggest market in the Worldmissions in forex are very small. You can manage your risk. You can trade from anywhere in the world. The forex market is the most liquid market in the world. How much do you need to trade forex. This depends on the broker you use but in most cases it is R5000 or even less The even bigger advantage is that most brokers give you a demo or dummy account to practice using their platform software without risking your own money This gives you a great opportunity without you having to risk 1 cent of your money So in summary you do not need a cent to start practicing and a small amount to start trading. It is very easy to start. As we mentioned earlier there is a higher learning curve than most people think, it is however by no means difficult to get going What you need is an internet connection, a trading device in the form of either a PC, tablet or smartphone, a trading platform, this is the software that allows you to execute trades, and a strategy or system There are many strategies and systems, have a look on the website for more information on trading strategies and trading systems. There is great software available. A few years ago you basically had to be a mathematician to take advantage of technical indicators and other trading tools as you had to work out values with complex formulae Nowadays you are able to take advantage of tools and software that have made the process of decision-making in online trading much easier At SAFX we have developed a number of trading tools and software that will aid you in your decision making process It is very important to watch out for scams when it comes to software as there are many products out there that just do not do what they promise For peace of mind have a look at our products or let us assist you to determine whether or not a product is suitable or not. Forex is the biggest market in the world. There are a huge amount of currencies and currency combinations, or what most people refer to as currency pairs, that you can trade The forex market has an estimated daily trading volume of roughly 5 Trillion Dollars Yes that does mean that 5 Trillion is moved in the forex market everyday. How much commission do you pay to trade forex. Well to be quite frank this depends on your broker but mostly the commissions payable i forex is in the form of a spread A spread just means that if a dollar is worth R14 the broker will sell it to you at R14 03 and the R0 03 would be the commission It depends on the currencies that are traded Your most traded currencies are the cheapest In most cases the EURUSD pair would be the cheapest and a good indication whether the broker is competitive or not. You can manage your risk. As we said earlier forex trading can be risky and you can lose your entire investment It is very important to note however that you can take full control of your risk and how much you are comfortable with You determine your risk on every trade and you can trade forex very safely if you have a good risk management system in place. You can trade currencies from anywhere in t he world. As you only need a trading device with an internet connection and a forex trading account you can trade from anywhere in the world You do not have to be stuck in an office You can literally trade forex while travelling the world You obviously would have to learn to do so properly beforehand but it is a real possibility Have a look at our trading education packages at. What is liquidity in trading. The forex market is the most liquid market in the world, this simply means when you are ready to buy you can do so at the click of a button and when you are ready to sell you can also do so at the click of a button When trading shares you need shares available to buy and when you want to sell there has to be a willing buyer on the other side In forex this is not the case You buy when you want and sell when you want. We hope that was helpful information for forex trading South Africa. The simple answer is yes It is however important not to look at the simple answer but to look at the prob abilities and reasons why some people make money from trading forex and others don t. Most studies claim that 95 of people fail when trading forex, this surprises me as I have worked in the industry for a long time and I have found the figure to be closer to 99 This figure is extremely important as it puts an emphasis on the scale of skill required to be a successful trader Most trading products are sold as easy to use and no experienced required The harsh reality is that most of these trading tools and software is the reason that the figure above is so high. Lets use a simple example to illustrate. You have never made a fire before and prior to your first time of making fire you seek instructions to do so You find instructions online by paying 99 and you are sent a how to make a great fire pdf to your email The PDF instructs you to do the following. Get yourself a box of matches. You have a fire. The flaws in this method are obvious, if you do not see them let me point them out. How do you k now that the person that has written the PDF actually knows how to make a fire. The instructions are vague e g what matches and what type of wood should you use. It is a potentially dangerous situation and yet no safety advice or the potential of disaster is mentioned. All this applies to forex trading products They are usually sold by people who cannot trade The instructions are vague so that it can be defended when you make a loss The potential of losing your capital is either understated or not mentioned at all. As with fire, forex trading is a very powerful thing when used correctly You can make a lot money trading forex when you trade correctly When it is used incorrectly you will lose all your money Most people reading this article will fail The reason is most often greed Start slowly and take the least amount risk possible and work your way up If you do not go about it this way then the answer is simple No you cannot make money from forex trading. So how do you make sure you will not fall victim to poor products and bad trading habits That answer is really simple, use only trading products from SAFX, South Africa s ONLY proper forex trading software and tools. At SAFX, Forex Trading South Africa we have been trading forex for over 10 years now and there is probably no one more experiences in this field in South Africa We have learned the hard way, through trial and error, and we have come up with some of the best forex trading software and systems available in the world today We teach traders to trade for themselves and we have been doing so for the last 5 years We are not your flashy over-the-top forex training company, we teach you what works and let our software speak for itself. Steps to learning forex trading. Open a Demo Account with a FSB Regulated Broker. Learn how to use your trading platform properly. Learn how to buy and sell forex. Learn how to use a Stop Loss and Take Profit. Learn money management. Get trading software. Trade and withdraw profits regularly. Op en a Demo Account with a South African Forex Broker. This seems easy enough and it is There is one catch, make sure the broker is registered with the Financial Services Board of South Africa FSB A demo account is 100 free, make sure that you are not charged for opening a demo trading account A demo account is a dummy account, this allows you to trade with all the same tools and pricing but with dummy money It is very important to start making profit on a demo account before you attempt to trade on a real account with real money. Learn how to use your trading platform properly. At SAFX we stick to the MT4 platform as we know it inside-out A trading platform is the application that you use to buy and sell forex over the internet It is extremely important that you understand the functions of your platform prior to trading live At SAFX we provide 1-on-1 training on the MT4 platform and our proprietary software If you do not have the money to purchase our product or if you do not qualify for o ur financing there are tons of resources online These are sometimes scattered and confusing but you should be able to get the basics by looking around. Learn how to buy and sell forex. This is simply a function of the trading platform It is very important that you can do this quickly and correctly and it needs you to practice a lot It might seem very simple but remember that at some point you will be faced with a high pressure situation that would require speed and accuracy The only way to make sure you are ready for this is to buy and sell as many times as possible till you can almost do it in your sleep. Learn how to set a Stop Loss and Take Profit. A stop loss or SL allows you to limit the loss you are willing to take on a single trade A take profit or TP is the profit target Both these levels can be and should be set for every trade When a trade reaches either of these levels it closes automatically in either a profit or loss As in the previous section, it is very important to set thes e levels quickly and accurately and therefore takes a lot of practice before you get them absolutely perfect. Learn Money Management. Money management is probably THE most important aspect of trading Money management is where you determine the amount that is risked on every trade If you use proper money management you will be successful, if you do not use proper money management you will fail, it is as simple as that Money management is the combination of Stoploss, Take Profit and Lot Size This is a very in-depth topic which we cover fully in our training programme You are welcome to google more on money management to see its importance in trading forex. Get Trading Software. There is a lot of trading software out there They all promise riches and they all promise success 99 9 of the trading software out there is useless and will lose you all your money If you do not believe us you are welcome to try them but I guarantee you will lose all your money within 2 weeks SAFX is the ONLY South Af rican provider of tested and proven forex trading software, it is as simple as that buy software elsewhere and lose all your money Enough said. Once you have learned how to properly use your trading software on your demo account it is time to step up and open and fund a live account Always start with a small amount that you are prepared to lose Trade for one month and withdraw the entire amount This sounds like a strange thing to do but it works Now redeposit the original amount into your account and do the same process over and over and over. So you want to learn how to trade shares but you are not sure where to start First of all you need to decide which share you want to trade You get such a large number of stock exchanges that you will need to narrow down what exactly it is you want to trade If you want to trade local south african shares you would be looking at the JSE Johannesburg Stock Exchange If however you feel that the rand will carry on weakening then it would be wiser to tra de another stock exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange or the Australian Stock Exchange. Let us say that you would like to trade the New York Stock Exchange, where would you begin If you take into account that you probably do not know too many of the companies listed on the NYSE it would be wise to trade the whole stock exchange as an index Trading an index allows you to take part in a stock exchange without having to do research on each company that you trade. Two well known indices indexes are the S P 500 which is the top 500 companies by Standard and Poors and the JSE Top 40 which is the Top 40 companies on the Johannesburg stock exchange You can buy these as a unit where they are already combined spreading all the risk out over these companies as a whole. How effective is it to trade indices. Well it is very simple to trade indices, you just buy and wait As to how effective, well the answer is simple, most large Fund Managers and Asset Management Companies only trades indices an d ETFs Exchange Traded Funds for their clients and very rarely buy or sell shares in single companies So the answer is that it is probably the safest and most effective way to start trading the market. Find a FSB Regulated Broker. Make sure they offer indices. Deposit a Small Amount to Start. Buy an Index and Sell when you have Made a Profit. Request a withdrawal from your broker. In South Africa there are various ways to get involved with the stock stock exchange The fist thing you will require is to get a broker which allows you to buy and sell shares online The whole stock exchange system has been made electronic This allows buyers and sellers to transact from the comfort of their own homes by means of a trading device which could be a phone, tablet or PC The only catch is that you will require an internet connection. Types of Stock Exchange Brokers. Direct Share Brokers You get brokers which allow you to buy and sell physical shares This allows you to hold onto a share which makes you a sh areholder of the company which you purchased You can sell the shares when you like but there has to be a willing buyer This type of trading is the traditional way of trading shares and the advantage is that you actually own a part of the company in which you invested. CFD Contract for Difference Brokers These type of brokers focus on the price of a share rather than the physical share itself You buy or sell the price not the share equity This is also called spread-betting and as you are speculating on the price it could be seen as closer to gambling than trading The advantages of trading CFDs vs Physical Shares are great though You do not require a willing buyer to sell a CFD If the price is right you sell the CFD back to the broker and take your profit The commissions on CFDs are far less than that of buying physical shares You can use leverage on CFDs this allows you to trade a lot more than the initial invested amount by a sort of lending structure called leverage Lastly and very imp ortantly you can go short with CFDs This means if you predict the fall of a share company correctly you can make a profit although the stock falls. In South Africa we have many stock exchange brokers and stock exchange platforms You really need to do your research before choosing a broker These steps may help. Always select a FSB regulated brokerage. Start with a small amount. Do 5 trades and request a withdrawal. If you were able to follow these steps chances are you will be ok If you have any issues with a broker it is very important to report them to the FSB so that other people do not go through the same problems as you. Once you have an account open with a Stock Exchange Broker you will require training Some training is free with the broker, this often just covers the basics Use google to find stock exchange courses that are of value, make sure to do proper research before jumping into a course and lastly remember that trading shares will not make you a millionaire over night no matter what anyone says. So you want to start trading forex and you reside in South Africa Here are the steps you need to follow. This is your choice of course but there are a few minimum requirements to look at when choosing a broker, you will start by searching for FSPs or Financial Services Providers that are registered and in good standing with the FSB Once you have found a list you need to look at the platforms trading software each broker provides If you are purchasing a product from a developer make sure to ask which platform their software is compatible with Lastly, give the broker a call and ask a few questions The questions need not be technical, the way in which the questions are answered will give you a good idea of the company you are dealing with. Do a course get trading tools. With all the crap out there it is difficult to decide which education software providers are legit and which are not To get around this ask for a track record in the form of a statement or even better investo r login details If the firm does not want to give you a track record it means they either don t have one or don t have a good one Why would you hide something that proves you are good at what you do This will very quickly narrow down your options. Open a demo Trading Account. Open an account with the broker you chose in step 1 Make sure to start with a demo account for you to practice on while learning your trade Do not get pushed into trading on a live account before you are ready Remember that the broker does not make any money on a demo account so they will push you to open a live account as soon as possible. Make sure you are profitable for at least 3 months running before trading live Yes this sounds like a long time but remember your hard-earned money is at risk Stick to the 3 month rule, it will do wonders for you If you are unable to make profit for 3 months running it means you are not using the correct system, do ore research and use another tool until you pass the 3 months rule. Open a Live Account. Here it gets interesting So you have prepared yourself and have become confident in your system The first thing that happens on a live account is you get a brain shutdown Why does this happen Well its simple, you can for the very first time see YOUR money move up and down with the markets It is very important to stick with the system you used on demo, including relative lot sizing and risk protection. These are the steps in a nutshell This process took me well over 5 years before I really understood what I was doing There are also much better courses and software tools then when I started out It is very important not to confuse trading and gambling Make good decisions and stick to your plan and risk management and you will be just fine. Trading Forex South Africa has NEVER been Easier. We were one of the first online websites for forex We started with and are now at The SAFX team have just completed the Magic Code Trading System Our currency trading system shows you w here to get in and where to get out It also shows how many lots to trade and your TP SL levels It has never been easier to start trading forex As our trading product is digital it is available for instant download immediately once payment has been made Get yours now. MetaTrader 4 Overview. How to Open A Chart. How to Open and Close a Trade. Stop Loss and Take Profit. How to Load the SAFX Magic Code System. Rules of the Magic Code System. Putting It all Together. Do your first trade. Forex trading is a serious investment and before you commit your investment into the hands of any Forex broker, you need to know how reliable and trustworthy they are Not all Forex brokers are reliable, in fact, some are outright frauds To help you make an informed decisions in this regard, I have compiled this list of world s most trusted and most reliable Forex brokers you can trade with. These Forex brokers and Forex trading platforms are available to use for free All you need to do is to make deposit and start tr ading, no extra or special fee is required Another good thing is that these Forex brokers are available for both the beginner Forex traders as well as the Pro Forex traders, no distinction and you can start with any minimum deposit allow by the brokers. List Of Top Forex Brokers.10 InstaForex This Forex broker is based in Russian, operate in Asia, has offices in London and some other parts of the world InstaForex has won many awards as one of the best Forex brokers in the world and holds licenses in Brokerage, Dealing and Capital Management Services from the Russian Federation. Minimum Deposit 1.Trading Bonus 250.Regulator FFMS. Accept US Traders No. Demo Account Available. InstaForex come with lots of trading and monitoring tools for easy Forex trading It is one of the biggest Forex brokers in the world and have been around for a long time.09 FXTM This Forex broker is founded in 2012 and has received many awards for innovative trading FXTM is the fastest growing Forex broker in the world a nd the founder is Andrey Dashin, the same person behind Alpari Forex Broker. Minimum Deposit 5.Trading Bonus 200 up to 10,000.Regulator CYSEC. Accept US Traders No. Demo Account Available. FRTM is used by traders in over 180 countries and is gully licensed and fully regulated The headquarter is Cyprus and housed in a luxury five story office building ForexTime allow for both mobile and web trading, and fully packed with the choicest trading tools.08 AVATRADE This Forex broker has its headquarter in the British Virgin Islands and is regulated by the Irish Authority MIFID and ASIC AVATrade was founded in 2006 and has become one of the world s biggest FX Brokers Owned and managed by the Ava Capital Markets Ltd, a subsidiary of Ava Financial Ltd, AVATrade is one of the most reliable Forex Brokers in the world. Minimum Deposit 100.Trading Bonus 40.Regulator MIFID, ASIC. Accept US Traders No. Demo Accounts Available for all accounts. AVATrade support both web and mobile trading with a world class cu stomer support that is available 24hrs.07 XTrade This Forex Broker is world class in every aspects of trading Founded in 2003 and owned by the XTB Limits, XTrade is reputed as one of the best Forex Broker ever. Minimum Deposit 100.Trading Bonus 60.Regulator CYSEC. Accept US Traders No. Demo Account Available. XTrade is reliable and is one of the safest platform to trade Forex with over 10 years experience in the money game They also have some of the best trading software and support both mobile and web based trading.06 XM Broker With more than 500 thousand clients, XM is one of the go-to Forex broker in the world They are based in Cyprus and managed by Trading Point Holdings Ltd, registration number HE 322690, 12 Richard Verengaria Street, Araouzos Castle Court, 3rd Floor 3042 Limassol, Cyprus. Minimum Deposit No. Trading Bonus 100.Regulators CYSEC. Accept USA Traders. Demo Account 100,000.If you want to start trading right now, this is one of the best place to get started and you are sure of being in a secured hands.05 FXPrimus This is a place to trade Forex, commodities, CFDs indices with the safest trading platform Discover an award-winning safe trading environment, founded on the proven philosophy of success through security. Minimum Deposit No. Trading Bonus 100.Regulators CYSEC, FCA. Accept USA Traders No. Demo Account Available. FxPrimus pride itself as industry leader in security and excellence They one of the major sponsors of Manchester City Football Club in England With over 100 thousand existing clients, you are sure to be in the company of many.04 EToro This is one of the biggest name in the industry and have been around for many years eToro brokers is a social trading and multi asset brokerage company that has registered offices in Cyprus, Israel and the United Kingdom One thing unique about eToro is that they allows its users to watch the financial trading activity of other users, copy them, and make their own trades. Minimum Deposit 200.Trading Bonus 1,000.Regulat ors NFA, CYSEC. Accept USA Traders No. Demo Account Available. With over 4 5million registered clients, you know this is the big gun in the world commodity trade They are fully regulated by the world s regulatory bodies and boasts some of the finest trading platforms.03 is a top Forex broker, owned and operated by Safecap Investments Limited Just like most Forex Brokers, they are headquartered in Cyprus Fully licensed and regulated by CySEC FSB. Minimum Deposit 100.Trading Bonus 25.Regulators CYSEC, FSB. Accept USA Traders No. Demo Account Available. Traders at every level can benefit from the packed resource hub The broker offers exclusive market analysis and news, live webinars, seminars, ebook and video libraries, in addition to free 1-on-1 personal training with personal account manager.02 Alpari This Forex Broker invite you to trade Forex with them and promised you the best They are the Company of the Year on the Forex Market ECN trading With spreads from 0 1 pips, you can Leverage up to 1 1000 and comes with free analytical tools. Minimum Deposit 200.Trading Bonus N A. Regulators CYSEC. Accept USA Traders No. Demo Account Available. Alpari is a highly successful Forex Brokers with many years experience in the game When it comes to security and reliability, be sure you are dealing with the best in the money business.01 FXPro - This is the number one Forex Brokers in the world and has remained the leader since 2006 FXPro is truly professional FxPro UK Limited is authorized and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority with the registration no 509956 FxPro Financial Services Limited is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission with the license no 078 07.Forex Trading A Beginner s Guide. Forex is short for foreign exchange but the actual asset class we are referring to is currencies Foreign exchange is the act of changing one country s currency into another country s currency for a variety of reasons, usually for tourism or commerce Due to the fact that business is global there is a need to transact with most other countries in their own particular currency After the accord at Bretton Woods in 1971, when currencies were allowed to float freely against one another, the values of individual currencies have varied, which has given rise to the need for foreign exchange services This service has been taken up by the commercial and investment banks on behalf of their clients, but has simultaneously provided a speculative environment for trading one currency against another using the internet If you want to start trading forex, check out Forex Basics Setting Up An Account TUTORIAL Beginner s Guide To MetaTrader 4mercial enterprises doing business in foreign countries are at risk, due to fluctuation in the currency value, when they have to buy goods or services from or sell goods or services to another country Hence, the foreign exchange markets provide a way to hedge the risk by fixing a rate at which the transaction will be co ncluded at some time in the future To accomplish this, a trader can buy or sell currencies in the forward or swap markets, at which time the bank will lock in a rate, so that the trader knows exactly what the exchange rate will be and thus mitigate his or her company s risk To some extent, the futures market can also offer a means to hedge a currency risk depending on the size of the trade and the actual currency involved The futures market is conducted in a centralized exchange and is less liquid than the forward markets, which are decentralized and exist within the interbank system throughout the world For a new way to hedge your currency, read Hedge Against Exchange Rate Risk With Currency ETFs. Forex as a Speculation. Since there is constant fluctuation between the currency values of the various countries due to varying supply and demand factors, such as interest rates, trade flows, tourism, economic strength, geo political risk and so on, an opportunity exists to bet against these c hanging values by buying or selling one currency against another in the hopes that the currency you buy will gain in strength, or the currency that you sell, will weaken against its counterpart. Currency as an Asset Class. There are two distinct features to this class. You can earn the interest rate differential between two currencies. You can gain value in the exchange rate. Why We Can Trade Currencies. Until the advent of the internet, currency trading was really limited to interbank activity on behalf of their clients Gradually, the banks themselves set up proprietary desks to trade for their own accounts, and this was followed by large multi national corporations, hedge funds and high net worth individuals. With the proliferation of the internet, a retail market aimed at individual traders has sprung up that provides easy access to the foreign exchange markets, either through the banks themselves or brokers making a secondary market For more on the basics of forex, check out 8 Basic Forex Market Concepts. Confusion exists about the risks involved in trading currencies Much has been said about the interbank market being unregulated and therefore very risky due to a lack of oversight This perception is not entirely true, though A better approach to the discussion of risk would be to understand the differences between a decentralized market versus a centralized market and then determine where regulation would be appropriate. The interbank market is made up of many banks trading with each other around the world The banks themselves have to determine and accept sovereign risk and credit risk and for this they have much internal auditing processes to keep them as safe as possible The regulations are industry-imposed for the sake and protection of each participating bank. Since the market is made by each of the participating banks providing offers and bids for a particular currency, the market pricing mechanism is arrived at through supply and demand Due to the huge flows within the system it is almost impossible for any one rogue trader to influence the price of a currency and indeed in today s high volume market, with between two and three trillion dollars being traded per day, even the central banks cannot move the market for any length of time without full coordination and cooperation of other central banks For more on the interbank, read The Foreign Exchange Interbank Market. Attempts are being made to create an ECN Electronic Communication Network to bring buyers and sellers into a centralized exchange so that pricing can be more transparent This is a positive move for retail traders who will gain a benefit by seeing more competitive pricing and centralized liquidity Banks of course do not have this issue and can, therefore, remain decentralized Traders with direct access to the forex banks are also less exposed than those retail traders who deal with relatively small and unregulated forex brokers who can and sometimes do re-quote prices and even trade a gainst their own customers It seems that the discussion of regulation has arisen because of the need to protect the unsophisticated retail trader who has been led to believe that trading forex is a surefire profit-making scheme. For the serious and somewhat educated retail trader, there is now the opportunity to open accounts at many of the major banks or the larger more liquid brokers As with any financial investment, it pays to remember the caveat emptor rule - buyer beware For more on the ECN and other exchanges, check out Getting To Know The Stock Exchanges. Pros and Cons of Trading Forex. If you intend to trade currencies, and regard the previous comments regarding broker risk, the pros and cons of trading forex are laid out as follows.1 The forex markets are the largest in terms of volume traded in the world and therefore offer the most liquidity, thus making it easy to enter and exit a position in any of the major currencies within a fraction of a second.2 As a result of the liquid ity and ease with which a trader can enter or exit a trade, banks and or brokers offer large leverage which means that a trader can control quite large positions with relatively little money of their own Leverage in the range of 100 1 is not uncommon Of course, a trader must understand the use of leverage and the risks that leverage can impose on an account Leverage has to be used judiciously and cautiously if it is to provide any benefits A lack of understanding or wisdom in this regard can easily wipe out a trader s account.3 Another advantage of the forex markets is the fact that they trade 24 hours around the clock, starting each day in Australia and ending in New York The major centers being Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Paris, London and New York.4 Trading currencies is a macroeconomic endeavor A currency trader needs to have a big picture understanding of the economies of the various countries and their inter connectedness in order to grasp the fundamentals tha t drive currency values For some, it is easier to focus on economic activity to make trading decisions than to understand the nuances and often closed environments that exist in the stock and futures markets where micro economic activities need to be understood Questions about a company s management skills, financial strengths, market opportunities and industry specific knowledge is not necessary in forex trading. Two Ways to Approach the Forex Markets. For most investors or traders with stock market experience, there has to be ashift in attitude to transition into or to add currencies as a further opportunity for diversification.1 Currency trading has been promoted as an active trader s opportunity This suits the brokers because it means they earn more spread when the trader is more active.2 Currency trading is also promoted as leveraged trading and, therefore, it is easier for a trader to open an account with a small amount of money than is necessary for stock market trading. Besides tr ading for a profit or yield, currency trading can be used to hedge a stock portfolio If, for example, one builds a stock portfolio in a country where there is potential for the stock to increase value but there s downside risk in terms of the currency, for example in the U S in recent history, then a trader could own the stock portfolio and sell short the dollar against the Swiss franc or euro In this way the portfolio value will increase and the negative effect of the declining dollar will be offset This is true for those investors outside the U S who will eventually repatriate profits back to their own currencies For a better understand of risk, read Understanding Forex Risk Management. With this profile in mind, opening a forex account and day trading or swing trading is most common Traders can attempt to make extra cash utilizing the methods and approaches elucidated in many of the articles found elsewhere on this site and at brokers or banks websites. A second approach to trading cu rrencies is to understand the fundamentals and the longer term benefits, when a currency is trending in a specific direction and is offering a positive interest differential that provides a return on the investment plus an appreciation in currency value This type of trade is known as a carry trade For example, a trader can buy the Australian dollar against the Japanese yen Since the Japanese interest rate is 05 and the Australian interest rate last reported is 4 75 , a trader can earn 4 on his trade For more, read The Fundamentals Of Forex Fundamentals. However, such a positive interest needs to be seen in the context of the actual exchange rate of the AUD JPY before an interest decision can be made If the Australian dollar is strengthening against the yen then it is appropriate to buy the AUD JPY and to hold it in order to gain in both the currency appreciation and the interest yield. For most traders, especially those with limited funds, day trading or swing trading for a few days at a time can be a good way to play the forex markets For those with longer-term horizons and larger fund pools, a carry trade can be an appropriate alternative. In both cases, the trader must know how to use charts for timing their trades, since good timing is the essence of profitable trading And in both cases, and in all other trading activities, the trader must know his or her own personality traits well enough so that he or she does not violate good trading habits with bad and impulsive behavior patterns Let logic and good common sense prevail Remember the old French proverb, Fortune favors the well prepared mind To determine what type of trading is best for you, see What Type Of Forex Trader Are You.

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